Friday, February 14, 2014

Wiggles and Waves

Today was an exciting day.

The twins are 11 weeks gestation now, and we just got to have another ultrasound. Our babies are as big as limes!

Ever since our first ultrasound, one of the babies has always measured right on target, and the other one has always measured a week behind in terms of growth. I will refer to them as "Big" and "Little".

Big was SO wiggly during our ultrasound. Both babies now have fully developed (albeit small) arms and legs. Big was moving them like crazy!

Little was completely still. The heartbeat was good, but I got worried that something might be wrong. Everyone in the room (the ultrasound tech, Josh, and I) all sat there noiselessly as we willed and waited for Little to move for us.

All of the sudden, Little's arm raised up as high as it could go and the fingers started moving all around. Little was waving to us!

Needless to say, today was a good day. Every time we are able to get an ultrasound and see our little ones, I feel like I'm walking on air for the rest of the day. With how often I get told that this pregnancy is "high risk," I'm more paranoid than I would have normally been if I was just pregnant with one baby. Those ultrasounds are my favorite thing right now because I can see my babies and know that they're doing ok in there.

Stay safe, my little ones!

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