Monday, December 16, 2013

Bursting with Hope

Today was a very special day.

For a month now, I've been giving myself shots, taking all sorts of pills, having my blood drawn every other day, and having a dildo-like object shoved up my "nether regions" several times a week. Sounds fun, doesn't it?

In the course of this process, I acquired approximately 100 holes in my body, 15 bruises, 10 lbs of weight, and of course, about 25 freakouts / breakdowns / days when I just thought "I can't do this."

Today, however, marked a very important milestone. Josh and I got to watch on the monitor as two beautiful embryos were placed into my uterus. See those two white horizontal lines above the green pointer? That's them. They may not look like much now, but with a little hope, faith, and prayer, these little guys (or at least one of them!) could turn into a beautiful addition to our family nine months from now.

So I'm "thinking sticky thoughts" as the Doctor put it. I am thinking positively. I am clinging to the belief that this WILL work. My body IS fertile. It IS made to do this. I CAN do this. There is no room in my mind for doubt. The odds are in my favor: each of the two embryos placed inside me have a 32-35% chance of sticking, giving me about a 67% chance of pregnancy, according to the doctor. 

I will have the official results on December 27th. Until then, Velcro. Chewed gum. Honey. Glue. Syrup. Tape. This is me thinking sticky thoughts. Tree sap. S'mores. Oh, and semen. (Obligatory)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that you have to struggle with fertility problems. Soon after I was married we found out that my left fallopian tube was blocked and that hubby had low sperm motility. After 13 months of trying with our second, chlomid got me pregnant. It sounds like you've been through so much and I hope you'll be able to hold a little miracle of your own in 9 months. Prayers sent your way.
